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Older news

  1. 8 JULY 2022
    Latest game release
    Available now for the Sinclair ZX81 16K.  Jonathan Cauldwell's spectacular conversion of a classic console game with lots of bombs in it.  ZEDI BLASTER of course will run on any 16K ZX81, but it also supports CHROMA, QS CHARACTER BOARD and ZXPAND JOYSTICKS if you have these add-ons.  It's ready to buy for the paltry price of just £7.00 + postage.  Click the icon below or here

    27 MAY 2022
    Latest game release
    Cronosoft is very proud to announce BIG BAPS for the Sinclair ZX81 16K.  A superb new platform and ladders, burger building arcade know what I mean!  Expertly coded by Jonathan Cauldwell.
    Grab your copy for just £7.00 (+postage) by clicking on the icon below or here

    SPECTRUM 40, Walsall
    30th April & 4 new game releases...
    Thanks to everyone who came to see us at our stall at SPECTRUM 40 in Walsall at the weekend. We got to talk to loads of you and met some great people, including Kevin Toms, Rich Stevenson, Simon Brattel, Sandy White and many more. 

    If you were also there, you may have spotted FOUR new game releases that are now available.
    First up, we have CURSED CATACOMBS from Walter Ariel Risi, a great new title for the 16K ZX81.
    Secondly, our first dual format "Flippy" game, THE MANDARIN,
    a split format arcade game for the
    Spectrum and Amstrad CPC, from Mananuk
    Thirdly, EGGHEAD GOES TO TOWN is the latest installment of Jonathan Cauldwell's classic Egghead series. This was made in 2017, and it's finally out on the Cronosoft label.
    and last but not least, Jonathan Cauldwell's ENCYCLOPAEDIA GALACTICA - an epic space arcade adventure.  Please note - this game is not compatible with the later +2A/+2B/+3 models of 128K Spectrum.
    All cassettes are £7.00 each, and come with an emulator version too, though if you want just the emulator versions, you can get them here

    Today is the 40th birthday of the ZX Spectrum, that machine that links us all
    It is a bittersweet announcement, but we're releasing a new game, THE 8-BIT WARS

    as a tribute to both the ZX Spectrum, and to Andy Remic, who we sadly lost earlier this year. This was one of the last projects that Andy worked on with the superbly talented programmer Luca Bordoni.   You can find out more information here.  What better tribute to this great guy, who achieved so much, that we release this spectacular game on the 40th birthday of the machine he loved.
    All proceeds from the sale of the cassette will go to Andy's family.


    Digital versions of nearly all ZX81 and Spectrum games are now available to buy if you don't require the cassette tapes, or live in the EU, where shipping has become very difficult.  For a reduced price of £1.99 (unless specified for certain releases), you'll get the file for emulator (.TAP/.TZX/.P for example), along with a copy of the artwork for the inlay, so you can print it yourself!   I'll endeavour to make sure that the emulator versions are sent out by email as soon as I spot them after the order comes in - please allow up to 48 hours, but likely much less than that.

    1971 - 2022
    A tribute to a great person


    2 - in - 1 pack

    Jonathan Cauldwell is back, with tributes to DEFENDER and CENTIPEDE on your 16K ZX81!

    ANEWS:   11/2/2022     SHIPPING TO EU COUNTRIES  

    It is with regret that I can no longer ship to EU ZONE countries.  I have found that I am losing money due to items that have customs charges being rejected by buyers, items going missing and other problems.   

    I am really sorry to my many loyal EU buyers, but as a not-for-profit software house, I have lost several £20+ orders, including some charity releases that I now have to refund out of my own pocket, as I've paid the charity already.   

    Some items sometimes get returned to me after customs charges are not paid by the buyer, but this can be months later.  Also some buyers (who don't want to wait) just initiate a Paypal chargeback. I just can't afford these losses any more, so had to take the decision to stop.   

    Other non-EU zone countries like Iceland, Norway, Switzerland etc., and worldwide sales are not affected.

    Apologies again. I did not vote to leave the EU, and urged as many people as possible not to, as I anticipated this happening.

    As of today, 11/2/2022, all future EU Zone orders will be refunded.    In the future I may open up sale again soon to the EU, but it will be via EBAY and the tracked Global Shipping Program. This way it does not get held up in customs for many weeks and taxes are paid in advance. I'm sorry that it is more expensive this way.
    LATEST NEWS    4 NEW GAMES RELEASED!               

    Four new game releases in one day....  
    First up we have the exciting and graphically excellent DOOMSDAY DEFENDER for the Mattel Aquarius +16K RAM, from Roy Templeman.  Next up, we have both a ZX81 and Spectrum release of Jonathan Cauldwell's spooky tribute to the old Artic Computing text adventures of the early 1980s; A STRANGE AFFAIR is shoehorned into a 16K machine (including on the Speccy too).   Last up, we have BLACK SEA TREASURE HUNTERS - an arcade underwater quest for treasure from Mananuk, for the 48K Spectrum.

                     Clive Townsend's SABOTEUR Deep Cover               


    Your last chance.

    Gather some intel on the  devious Viridis corporation.
    Send your information back to base.  
    Sabotage the security systems  to aid your team-mate
    when they arrive by hang-glider.  

    Escape or die.

    A text adventure with graphics.
    Discover the events leading up to  Saboteur II: Avenging Angel.

    ORDER HERE NOW for just £8.00  
    Orders are shipping now.

    Story: Andy Remic and Clive Townsend 
    Code and Artwork: Clive Townsend


    SNOWED UNDER, Highrise's Xmas charity game has raised (so far) £886.96 for the charity
    CRISIS.  I made the donation yesterday, though there are still a handful of copies, and of course, emulator versions still available, should you want to grab one.  We're still hoping to hit a magical £1000 in total if that's possible, but thanks to the generosity of everyone who bought a copy, donated or had a hand in creating it, I think it's a great total :)

NEWS:   18/1/2022

It's here at last!  Bukster Games' ZX81 16K take on the classic Speccy game of the early 80s.  Who'd have thought filling up your vehicle with fuel would be so exciting?
Buy your copy here for just £7.00 on real casssette

Cronosoft is proud to announce a new Spectrum shoot-em-up release from Thomas Busse, inspired by, and in the style of the classic early 80s arcade era such as Astro Blaster, Moon Cresta etc.   Smooth action gameplay, single or co-op team play, and supports the Currah MicroSpeech unit.  Available now for the 48K/128K Spectrum, with a Spectrum Next version coming in the future!
For cassette + free emulator version click here
For emulator only digital version (comes with artwork), click here


Snowed Under: £812.21 raised so far for Crisis

Thank you to everyone involved, from the creators, to the graphics, inlay and level designers, and to everyone who bought a copy and made donations !   
A payment will be made in the next few days and a receipt posted up here.  It is not too late to buy a copy (though the tape version has very few copies left), it will remain available as a digital emulator version.


 excellent new charity release game

from Allan Turvey & Andy Johns
 -  EMULATOR VERSION     £4.99   
 -  CASSETTE VERSION*      £9.99     SOLD OUT
* The cassette version also comes with a free emulator version.  You can choose to donate extra to Crisis if you wish to.

Click on the link or logo to find out more about the charity and the support they give to people that need it most at Christmas.   EU BUYERS - it is recommended that you buy the emulator version if possible, as cassettes can *sometimes* be liable for VAT & customs collection fees when delivered by your postal service in the European Union as a result of Brexit. This is beyond my control.   The cassette inlay is available if you want to 'download and print your own' copy for emulator purchases.
NEWS:   14/11/2021    FORTHCOMING RELEASES FOR 2021-2022
Cronosoft has LOADS of new releases coming at the end of 2021 and throughout 2022. Here is a quick taster of what's to come:
ZX81   JET SCOUT    - Fast action arcade game inspired by a classic Spectrum game from Bukster Games
ZX81   PHOENIX       - Awesome conversion of the classic arcade game, now converted to the ZX81, again from Bukster
AQUARIUS    DOOMSDAY DEFENDER The best graphics seen on the Aquarius in this spectacular new shooter from Roy Templeman!
SPEC  SNOWED UNDER - Superb new Xmas charity project arcade game to play over Christmas from Allan Turvey, with levels from the Spectrum community.
SPEC  STAR WARRIORS - Arcade shooter with excellent gameplay from T. Busse, with a Spectrum Next version to come in the future
SPEC & ZX81 A STRANGE AFFAIR Spooky new text adventure from J. Cauldwell - runs in just 16K.
ZX81  Z-XTRICATOR -  The third installment of the classic Hi-res Software Farm games
ZX81  BOOSTER -  The follow up to the awesome ROCKET MA
N - missed by many at the tail end of the ZX81's life - it's coming for you now, without you having to remortgage your house to buy it on
SPEC  ENCYCLOPAEDIA GALACTICA - Finally, a Cronosoft release of th
is great game from Jonathan Cauldwell - not seen for several years, in a newly designed package.
SPEC  IRON WOLVES II - ORLANA'S RAGE - Mr. Andy "Chocolate Hob
nob" Remic's highly anticipated adventure, the sequel to the highly regarded Iron
Wolves, again with eye poppingly great graphics by Clive TownsendZX81   ABDUXION and ZEDIPEDE - Jonathan Cauldwell's venture into fast action, quality ZX81 arcade conversions will blow your mind!
SPEC  BLACK SEA TREASURE HUNTERS - Mananuk comes back with an exciting newwaterytreasure mission!

NEWS:   20/10/2021    NEW RELEASE
Software Farm's

New cassette release!  An officially licensed and authorised reissue of the early 80s classic Hi-res graphic ZX81 game.  The cassette is priced at £7.00 - Grab your copy here!


NEWS:   20/10/2021    PRICE INCREASE :(
I'm really sorry, but I've had to put the price of certain titles up by £1.00 - I've found that raw material costs, and numerous other costs like having to buy new recording equipment and printing has made costs go up considerably. Please bear in mind that Cronosoft is still not-for-profit - I do still need to cover all expenses however, and there are a lot more hidden costs than just the price of a blank tape. I hope that we still offer great value for money. After all, a £5 game in 1983 is equivalent of around £14.60 in today's money. I want to keep Cronosoft going long into the future :)    Existing stock that is already made is still going to be sold at the old £6.00 price until stock runs out. 

NEWS:   09/10/2021    NEW RELEASE - ORDER NOW!

PALETO JONES  ZX Spectrum 48K/128K

New cassette release!   Paleto Jones is a great new arcade adventure game for your ZX Spectrum, inspired by a particular film that you may know ;)   Grab your copy here!


NEWS:   16/09/2021   
R.I.P.  Sir Clive Sinclair      1940-2021

It is with deep regret that I write that computing pioneering legend, Sir Clive Sinclair has passed away at the age of 81.  His inventions have left a lasting legacy on the UK computer and software industry, and on the many communities that have sprung up since.


NEWS:   01/09/2021    NEW RELEASE - ORDER NOW!
Bukster Games'

Now available to buy on tape... 3D Skeleton Maze is a new release, inspired by the classics, 3D Monster Maze and Mazogs, along with the ST game Dungeon Master, 3DSM combines scary maze adventuring with more complex combat, weapons, amour and gold features. Chroma colour compatible, though compatible with the standard ZX81 also.   Click here for more info.

Andy Remic's
THE IRON WOLVES   128K Spectrum

Now here... from the legendary Andy Remic - an epic 128K Spectrum adventure, The Iron Wolves, with graphics by the also legendary Clive Townsend.

EU BUYERS:  Due to new post-Brexit IOSS rules, there is a workaround to avoid large customs collection fees, and it's available via EBAY for EU only. This way, the tax is prepaid, so no nasty unexpected fees on delivery!   
UK and OUTSIDE EU:  Click here
EU you can Click here to buy
EU buyers are not blocked from buying on the website, but if you buy, it is not tax paid, so you may get a customs charge when it's delivered, so it's recommended that you use the EBAY link.




As of a result of Brexit, on 1st July 2021, a new law came into place so that requires ALL EU sales to now have VAT tax paid on all sales, even those of a value of 22 Euros or less, thus removing the previous tax free allowance.  It is not just VAT that would need to be claimed on sales at the destination EU country at 20%, but also any collection charge (usually around 10 Euros per order).  This means that a £6.00 cassette could end up costing around £20.00+ once it has been received by the EU buyer. 

Refusal to pay these collection charges and taxes would mean that we would have to pay for return, or have the items destroyed.  

I'm really sorry about this. I didn't vote for Brexit.  You can guarantee to avoid these charges by using our EBAY SHOP Chaosmongers2 for new releases, and pre-pay the VAT at checkout.

21/06/2021:           First Software Farm ZX81 reissue!  FORTY NINER


We're immensely proud to annouce the reissue of one the most famous games ever to appear on the Sinclair
ZX81 - Forty Niner, from Software Farm.  When this game was released, around 1983, it was as much a shock to ZX81 owners as Knight Lore was to Spectrum owners, and was the first commercial title to feature high resolution graphics, as well as quality arcade style gameplay, and was very warmly received by the gaming press and home computer fans alike.     Now, 40 years on, you can relive those times with a brand spanking new copy, authorised by the original creator and owner of Software Farm.  Forty Niner is just the start.... more Software Farm titles will be coming again in the future.

18/06/2021:         R.I.P.   Jason Kelk   (A.K.A.  TMR)

So sad to hear the news of the passing of Jason Kelk, games programmer TMR from Cosine, and Retro Gamer journalist, after a monumental 14+ month hospital struggle against COVID19.

Although I never actually got to meet him in person, he was invaluable at the start of Cronosoft, encouraging, supporting and supplying us with our first non-Sinclair games, with him being the creator of many of our games releases in the very early (and later days), such as Cyber Wing, Warflame, Reaxion, Lunar Blitz, ViColumn etc., across multiple formats, including the Commodore 64, Vic 20 and C16/Plus 4.
His games live on, and he made a massive mark on the world. Our thoughts are with his family. RIP.

AVAILABLE NOW:   New Release:   IDOL TIME for the unexpanded VIC 20

Now available, a great new platform puzzler from John Aycock for your unexpanded Vic on cassette.  Get your copy here....  

NINJA CARNAGE for 128K ZX Spectrum
Cronosoft is proud to announce NINJA CARNAGE - a huge new Spectrum game (filling a 128K Speccy twice over), coded for the Speccy by the legendary CLIVE TOWNSEND, and available in 7 different language versions.   Age 18+, contains adult themes and very strong language. 

NEW RELEASE  07/05/2021  -   XENOBLAST from Tony Kingsmill
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K (with 48K version on side 2)


Welcome to Cronosoft ...  Specialists in brand new software on cassette for 8-bit computers since 2002. We have probably the largest back catalogue in Europe of new games for old systems in our portfolio, and we're a not-for-profit software label.  Nobody at Cronosoft takes any payment or wages, and everything is done solely for the love of old machines.  You can buy brand new software on cassette for your Spectrum, Commodore 64, Vic 20, ZX80, ZX81, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 16/+4, Mattel Aquarius and Dragon 32/Coco from us, and in doing so, you're helping to keep these machines alive. 

We have been featured regularly in RETRO GAMER magazine, with a 6 page special in issue 166, as well as oftenmentioned on the BBC, and in THE GUARDIAN and INDEPENDENT newspapers.  We also feature in Andy Remic's film MEMOIRS OF A SPECTRUM ADDICT, and it's sequel SPECTRUM ADDICT: LOAD "FILM 2"


Have you written a new game?  We would like to see it.   Maybe you wrote a great game back in the day, and would like to see it published again?    We'd love to do that for you if we can.  


NEW RELEASE  30/03/2021  -   PANDEMIC from Bob's Stuff 
Sinclair ZX81 16K

2021:  16/3/2021

Apologies, but I've had to tweak the cost of shipping for outside of Europe countries. The USA's USPS introduced a charge to other countries' postal services for handling parcels to the US, so the UK Royal Mail introduced a new 'ZONE 3', making the USA the most expensive place to ship an item to from the UK.  I'm sorry for having to increase the shipping costs for larger chunkier packages that I can't send as a 'large letter' rate (which is anything above 6 cassettes), but I've reduced the shipping costs where there are 6 cassettes or less. Unbelievably, to send 6 cassettes stacked side by side horizontally within a 2.5cm parcel is £8.00 cheaper to send as a letter than as a larger package where they're stacked vertically. Bizarre!

2021:  7/1/2021

Happy 40th Anniversary ZX81!  Lots of new ZX81 releases to look forward to in the coming year :)


Cronosoft is open for business as usual, but unfortunately, due to customs and other delays relating to Brexit, as well as delays caused by backlogs relating to COVID-19, mails is taking much longer than usual, particularly international mail.  For example, EU mail is taking around 3-4 weeks, rather than the 3-7 days it would originally have taken.   I'm sorry about this, but the situation is beyond our control, so please allow lots of extra time for orders to arrive.  We recommend that overseas European buyers limited orders to 1 or 2 cassettes at a time to reduce the risk of unforseen customs charges.   

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