AQUARIWORM - Mattel Aquarius cassette tape

AQUARIWORM - Mattel Aquarius cassette tape

Product Details

: Cronosoft
: 80.0g

Product Description

by Roy Templeman

Perhaps the first new cassette release for the Mattel Aquarius since the 1980s. A version of the classic 'Snake' game for any Aquarius with a memory expansion (4K RAM PACK or 16K RAM PACK).


£6.95 inc. tax
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Customer Reviews

2 review(s) posted (write review)
Awesome! 5 product stars
"Only recently found out about this game. I cant believe someone is writing new games for the Aquarius! Just received mine a few days ago, me and my son love it! Great excuse to bring the Aquarius out!" Josh - 17 December 2020
Aquariworm is fantastic 5 product stars
"Its great to see a new game for the humble Aquarius! Well done! I hope to see more Aquarius games! Especially if they are of this quality." John Jameson - 03 July 2020
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