Product Description
EGGHEAD - A CRACKING DAY OUTBy Jonathan Cauldwell, for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K upwards, on cassette.
Arcade action platform game!
After returning from a somewhat more adventurous holiday than he had hoped for, Egghead returns to his pad in sunny Nottingham to the usual pile of unwanted post. Among the bills, prize draw winnings and other junk mail is a rather curious hand-written note which reads:
"Egghead. Our mutual friend Izzy has been kidnapped by evil Commodore extremists, who are hell-bent on erasing all traces of Sinclair technology from the known world with their menacing Sinclair Death Ray technology. This device has the power to vaporise a thousand Spectrums in a matter of seconds, and their programmers are currently writing a deadly virus, which will eliminate every Spectrum emulator from the Internet and shut down the World Of Spectrum web site for good. This is a dire situation! It was Izzy who unearthed this malevolent plot, but he was led into a trap and I cannot slow them down any longer. I, and the world, need your help!
"I have been working covertly in the EU CCC (Extremist Union of Commodore Computer Clubs) for some years, but alas I can do no more without putting myself and my family in danger. I have discovered the group's password to the main servers here, and for safety reasons, have encrypted it, and hidden it around The Incredible Museum of Computers at Crotchley Park, which is the only place in the country with the technology powerful enough to decipher it. But be warned, it will come out in German, so you will need to find a way to translate the code!
"Once you have the password, you will need to break into the group's head quarters, based in Erdington, West Midlands. I have enclosed a map of the complex. If you shut down the servers, then I will have enough time to rescue Izzy during all of the calamity created. Izzy and I can then bring this evil organisation to its knees by disabling the Sinclair Death Ray for good.
Signed Agent 001100000"