FARMER JACK and the HEDGE MONKEYS - Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K cassette


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: Cronosoft
: 80.0g

Product Description



By Bob Smith,  for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K upwards, on cassette.

Never one to turn down the offer of a holiday, Jack made his way down the M1, M42, and M5 to visit his cousin Farmer Jon in deepest Somerset.  The journey took a while, but everybody seemed friendly - all the cars sounded their horns and waved their arms at him as they overtook his tractor.  Jack was happy to be off the motorway in the end, and along the scenic, familiar winding lanes through the badlands before he got to Jon's farm.

Farmer Jon wasn't in such a good mood when Jack finally arrived though.  "Them buggers", he cried, "every June they come roaming round me fields, looking for a festival.  Eavis' farm's not another 20 miles away from 'ere in Pilton, but they're all too stoned to notice, pillocks!  Ravers, Hippies and Hedge-Monkeys, same time every year. Just as I sow my crops they come trampling around, treading in the seeds and ruining it all - 'elp me Jack".  "Eee, that's trouble at'mill and no mistake", mused Jack, "but m'tractors pretty nippy - I'll belt round and get them seeds up for you" offered Jack. Jon gladly accepted, tired-out by chasing the hippies, monkeys and ravers across the levels all day.  "I've no cows on them fields no more after that blue-tongue trouble, so you can move the gates all you need - that'll really confuse 'em!  Thanks Jack".  "No trouble", said Jack, "I'll start in morning".

"Proper Job!" said Jon, smiling at last."

MicroMart -

"...Lee du-Caine's superb AY beeps and tones for 128K variants ... everything is slickly executed, colourful and cute." - 8/10


"Hedge Monkeys is an excellent version of Lady Bug - a game that did not see an official conversion to the Spectrum. ...This is a really phenomenal version of the game with all the addictiveness (and difficulty) of the game that inspired it. Playing this game has even improved my skills on the arcade original. Now there's a testimonial for the box art!" - 85% (combined with Treasure Trove)

£7.95 inc. tax
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